Monday, July 29, 2013

Have You Called Upon God Lately?

 Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.  Jeremiah 33:3

    Jennifer and I were sitting a coffee shop with a good friend, and the discussion came up about what the difference in claiming God's word for your life and calling upon God's to provide a need or even the desire of your heart.  I always thought that they were the same thing.  Well, they are not.  When you claim something in God's name you are in a sense laying claim to what you believe in.  This my friend is not a bad thing at all, because you have to have faith in Jesus to be able to claim it.

     I call the act of calling something out in Jesus's name taking what you want, desire, need, or claim to the next level.   Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end  Ecclesiastes 3:11.  What this verse means to me is that God has put a desire in our hearts to know our future, but at the same time we cannot see what God has planned for us.  How this ties into calling out to God is in the fact that as a human who is made up of flesh and bone we are not willing to lay idle about our future.  When we go to God in our prayer closet or our secret place and we cry out to God about the desires of our heart.  If we are really willing  to listen to His small still voice he may speak to us.  He may give us a direction or give us a call on our life.  It says in God's word that what ever He has planned for us is final, nothing that we do can add or take away from it.  

    When we call out to God we are calling out the promises He has for us.  In a sense we are asking Him to come through what He has promised.  The next step in this process is to lay everything down at the foot of the cross.  We have went to God in passionate prayer calling out to Him now we need to trust to let go and let God take control.  I from personal experience have "given" something to God, but yet keep going back to remind Him that I still have a "need".  An example of this would be, you go to a restaurant and order dinner.  You know pretty much without a shadow of a doubt that your meal will come  to your  table just as you ordered it.  Seems pretty simple huh? My challenge to you and myself is to take this same type of faith for your meal to God.  Call out to Him, then just simply let go lay it down and trust that He has got your back. ~Missie  


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